さあ、いよいよ信越トレイルの始まりです!全行程80Kmを5日間かけて歩きます。前半戦は始めの3日間。(一日目:斑尾山頂ー希望湖、二日目:希望湖ー桂池、三日目:桂池ー関田峠)Adventure begins!The first three parts of the trail.
The entire Shinetsu Trail was completed and opened to the public in 2008.It was the work of hundreds of local volunteers. Their efforts have resulted in a trail that allows hikers to not only enjoy the beauty of the rolling mountains and Japanese beech tree forests, but also to experience genuine Japanese local hospitality when staying in the mountain villages overnight.
Part 1 Mt.Madarao-Nozomiko, 一日目:斑尾山頂ー希望湖
Walking through silver grass corridor. Up the steep hill to the start of the trail, Mt.Madarao.
There are at least 5 species of maple trees in the Shinetsu Trail. Of course the Maple trees are most renowned tree in Canada.
Curt is having a rest on a beech tree. The Shinetsu Trail runs through in one of the snowiest regions in the world, recorded up to 8 meters of snow fall, giving those tree a harsh winter, resulted in seeing so-called archway forest.
Beautiful beech forest walk.
毎日、準備された昼食はとても美味しく、作ってくださった方々の「愛」を感じます。Lunch is always arranged and provided. You will no go hungry on this tour!
今日の夜はBBQ!地元の食材と、関田山脈を越えてきた海の幸も合わせて楽しんでいただきました!BBQ night tonight! We grilled locals vegeis, meat also seafood that came over the mountain range!
Part 2 Nozomiko-Katsuraike, 二日目:希望湖ー桂池
The Shinetsu Trail is designed to pass through mountain villages along the way allowing hikers to visit their community to understand local history and why the interaction between people and the nature is important.
Akebi fruits.
田園風景、、。こちらカナダでは見ることの出来ない、趣のある風景を楽しみます。Looking down the valley. It is representing our real Satoyama landscape.
歴史的に大切な場所には案内板が設置されており、この場所で何が起きたのか、なぜ重要な場所なのかを解説しながら、信越トレイルのもつ歴史的価値を共有します。There are quite few information boards along the trail allowing you to learn what happened in the past, why this part is important. Good to have Yam guide so you don't have to read Japanese!
Walking through the color! Feels so nice!
You get to sleep how we actually sleep in the country! This is part of the experience of the tour!
美しく準備された会席料理。食材は全て旅館の皆様が作った農作物を使用!綺麗過ぎて手をつけるのをためらっている皆さんがとても愛らしかったです。Beautifully prepared dinner. All the ingredients are harvested in their farm. It is just like an art so some of the guests hesitated to get into the dishes because it is too well presented to touch,,.
Cheers with Japanese beer!
Part 3 Katsuraike-Sekita Pass, 三日目:桂池ー関田峠
信越トレイル専属ガイドからの説明もとても興味深く、現地ガイドだからこそ知っている情報を共有していただきます。Many little information about the area from registered trail guide helps guests understand what Japan's Satoyama has to offer.
多様性豊かな日本の森。色のバリエーションも素晴らしいです。鮮やかな色彩が脳裏に焼きつきます。Diverse forest offers diverse color at its best condition.
美しい、、、。Another one,,.
Stuck! I am too tall for this!
We are staying in high-end Ryokan in a village that is renowned for its hot springs for 2 nights!We have all day tomorrow to rest! Yay!
Feels like in heaven,,,.
またまた高級会席料理です!これまで見たことの無い料理や食材に大感激です!Kaiseki, a first-class Japanese course meal. Many of dishes and items do not look familiar!
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