Saddleback Pass & Lake O'Hara (7/19&20)

It was a fairly cloudy and slightly cold day on July 19th, however I and my 2 clients set off to head to Saddleback Pass near Lake Louise. The sun did make it through the clouds twice during the day and we were able to see the ski area and way down into the Bow Valley towards Castle Mountain. On the way up we saw lots of flowers (Western Anemome, glacier lily, Helitrope, and yellow Dryad). On the way up we also met a cute little Pika. Despite the mist and light rain we enjoyed the hike up the alpine and even got some sun back at Lake Louise.

On July 20th we again headed out on a hike, this time into Lake O'Hara. Again we had a little rain, some sunshine, some snow and then sunshine again! Probably the best thing we saw was a herd of mountain goats on the way up to Opabin Plateau. There were 10 goats, 2 of which we babies. Right beside the goats were 2 hoary marmots playing with each other. It felt like ur own personal zoo! We made it up to Opabin Lake and then returned via the West route to Lake O'Hara. Once again another special day with many Rocky Mountain animals!

James Robb
YMT Guide
Saddleback Pass & Lake O\'Hara (7/19&20)_d0112928_10252363.jpg
Saddleback Pass & Lake O\'Hara (7/19&20)_d0112928_10231587.jpgSaddleback Pass & Lake O\'Hara (7/19&20)_d0112928_1020057.jpg
by ymtours | 2011-07-22 10:26 | カナダの山旅

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