Lake McArthur & All Soul's Peak, July 11, 2011

Early in the morning we thought we might have thundershowers but it turned out to be almost a perfect day hiking in the Lake O'hara area. Yamnuska guide James and his two clients decided to head to Lake McArthur via the high circuit route, then take the lower route back to Schaffer Lake and then the BIG ascent to All Soul's Peak. We had just a little bit of rain and hail, but mostly sun which was very nice and of course allowed us to have fantastic views. We were also super lucky to see two Hoary Marmots play fighting with each other for about ten minutes! So cute. It turned out be a really nice day, no wind, no bugs and epic hiking in the Rockies!

James Robb
YMT Guide
Lake McArthur & All Soul\'s Peak, July 11, 2011_d0112928_303299.jpg
Lake McArthur & All Soul\'s Peak, July 11, 2011_d0112928_10514440.jpg
Lake McArthur & All Soul\'s Peak, July 11, 2011_d0112928_2505170.jpg

by ymtours | 2011-07-13 03:00 | カナダの山旅

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